Britfeld Weimaraners has a long history going back to 1983 with the purchase of "Duchess". Duchess became the foundation for BRITFELD and produced 3 litters of 11 puppies in each. All the present day BRITFELD stock goes back to this beautiful and gentle girl. History aside, this Blog will keep you updated with the latest news. Perhaps even a little bit about the felines too.
I have been playing around with my new re-vamped web site and lost a few of the puzzles I had . . . I should not be left unsupervised!
Talk about dramas; first I remove the puzzle code from the page, then I can not find my log in information to get the code again from Jig Zone, leads to lodging a Support Ticket with Jig Zone, decided to set up a new account (it's was quicker), upload the images to Jig Zone, get the code, paste into the page editor, save page, look at page on the web . . .
DID NOT work :o(
So I thought I'd try the same code here to see if it works.
And it does.
Enjoy the puzzle as they work on the problem with it on my web site.
I received an update from Megan about Indigo's progress and wanted to share it with you and of course a few images of the gorgeous girl that she is :o)
Hi Sally How are you??
Sorry its been so long, i have been meaning to email you but have just been a so busy!!
I thought i'd just send you a couple of recent photos (and one from christmas) of Indigo to show you what a gorgeous girl shes grown up into :) I also thought i'd let you know that we have successfully completed and puppy school and the first grade of training school and we will be staring the second level or agility lessons soon! Inidi is going really well, she's sound asleep in bed as we speak....SNORING!!! hehehe
Anyway i hope all is well with you and that milly and the rest of the family are doing well :)
Thanks again for everything Kind Regards Megan and Indi xx
News from Val Taylor and George Morrison and some images of 'the' handsome Dylan:
Hi Sally,
Some photos of Dylan's Easter holiday; camping up Howqua Hills (towards Mount Buller). He had an absolute ball, especially during walkies through the forest, when he just went daft. When the enormous thunder/lightning storm, followed by hailstones/torrential rain came, we were anxious that he might be distressed in the back of the car whilst we tried to keep the tent semi-dry from the river running through the middle of it. We rushed out to check on asleep and totally oblivious! Afterwards, however, I think he liked sleeping in the tent with us nice and cosy! (fortunately the only bit of the tent that kept dry was our wee sleeping bit).
I'm sure you will agree, he is truly a gorgeous boy.
Love to you and your Mum
From Val, George & Dylan xxx
I received an e-mail from a group today alerting dog owners to be extremely careful with any food products (sugar free chewing gum) using Xylitol. I get lots of stuff like this from various groups and concerned dog owners but before I pass on such information I like to verify that is it true.
Those who know me will know just how 'obsessed' I am about feeding dogs the type of food their digestive system was designed for and that is NOT commercial food, commercially prepared cooked food, home cooked food, grains or vegetable.
Herbivores: (plant eaters) have the longest digestive tract in the mammalian kingdom. Some of them like, cows have multiple stomachs that are used to break down and ferment various plant materials. True herbivores have the ability to digest plant and vegetable cellulose and can rely on plants for complete nutrition. They have flat blunt teeth, which they use to grind cellulose and grain. Their jaws have the ability to move sideways and grind their food. Of course dogs don't fall in this category and their digestive organs were never designed to assimilate or catabolise plant based materials.
Omnivores: (plant and meat eaters) have one stomach and their intestines are shorter than the cow but longer than the dog. They have the ability to digest vegetation but they have enough enzymes and acid in their gut to digest animal protein as well. Their ability to break down cellulose is limited and they need both vegetation and animal protein for complete nutrition. Omnivores have a combination of sharp teeth used for tearing and ripping flesh and flat molars used for grinding grains and plants.
Carnivores: (meat eaters) like the dog has the shortest digestive system in the kingdom of mammals. Their jaws are hinged and contain sharp jagged blade like molars, which allows them to swallow large chunks of meat and gorge themselves. This ability enables dogs to consume a great deal of food and then rest until the next kill. Dogs are direct decedents of the wolf and they require meat protein to stay healthy and vibrant. Dogs do not have the ability to digest or assimilate cellulose and have no real need or craving for grain or vegetable based food.
The dog is a carnivore with a digestive system and process designed to break down and assimilate protein, bones, and fat. Their stomachs have a much higher level of hydrochloric acid to digest and assimilate meat protein.
Many commercial grade dog foods are produced on the premise that a dog's digestion is similar to humans. Because it's cheaper to make dog food with grains and plant materials many times the main ingredient in the dog food is corn, wheat, or some other type of plant-based carbohydrate.
Many veterinarians believe commercial grade dog food is garbage or even poison. Some of them have stated carbohydrates are not required at all for the nutritional need of dogs. It's not hard to understand if you consider a wolf will starve before it will eat corn or any other vegetable. Dogs require a vast array of amino acids that are only found in meat. To feed them vegetable products will only shorten their life and ruin their health.
Have you ever wondered what's in your dog's food?
Dog Food Secrets ( what is used in the manufacture of your dog's food. If you love your pet you owe it to yourself and them to read the free report.
I was so delighted to hear from Audrey about Anya (Singapore). A newsy e-mail arrived followed by two more; each with an image attached.
And since I HAVE, finally, caught up with all A Gang news now so I am posting new news as it arrives (couldn't get THAT far behind again, LOL)!
Enjoy the images and a few lines from Audrey.
Still waiting for my boys to give me the instructions but while it seems that they do like to spend time on the computer, they definitely don't want to have a "class session with mum". I see those pics of the other pups and I keep wondering how those people are able to carry their dogs... But then I look at the dates and figure that most likely I could carry Anya back then too.... Not anymore! She is definitely not a carrying size/weight anymore! She is not fat by any stretch of the imagination, but very dense.
I will send you two photos I have taken with my Iphone since I do know how to do that. One is of Anya playing with Jackie Wishbone, our 11 year old Jack Russell. They only want to play with the same toy the other has all the time. Anya is large, so she just hangs on and drags Jackie around, like a big friendly bear, and Jackie is what Jack Russells are, growling and making herself seem 10 times bigger, as she is dragged by her end of the toy! the other photo is that of Anya going for a ride. She really really likes to go places with me, but of course since most of the Chinese here are not dog friendly, it is not like I can take her downtown or into stores! She now has her own dog seat belt that keeps her put and safe in the back seat, but every once in a while, she sneaks into the front seat for a short ride to pick up the boys and I let her stay with the "human" seat belt...
Anya did have to go to the emergency room the other day, as she was listless and had a fever of 40 C. None of the vets there had a clue as to what was wrong with her, so they just put her on a drip and kept her under observation. I just knew something was wrong because when a 5 month old very very active Wei is just hanging its head low and sitting there, that is not normal... The next day she was fine but we kept her calm and kept watch over her.. It could not have possibly been heat stroke (my first thought) because her walk for that day was at 7:30 am and for about 20 minutes and it is barely daylight here at that time. Her symptoms started about mid day.
We had an appointment that day to go see a trainer to help us with some tips that I might be missing, but that got scrubbed because of her not feeling well.
I can get her to calm down pretty well (except first thing in the morning, or afternoon... or evening when she has not seen me for about 1 hour!...) and she does her commands well with me as we have a good bond. I am working on the heel but that is far away from being mastered! The sitting is mastered because of her absolute love of food!
All in all, we are doing well and today again we were at the beach. We go about once or twice a week.
would like to express my sincere gratitude to the team at MY
for their kind permission to use the above 4 powerful anti-PeTA graphics on my Blog.